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Mental Skills inventory

Mental Skills, also called "Soul Skills", "Ghost Skills", or Necromantic Skills, involve the use of necromantic magic, drawing on Scarlett's otherworldly Mental Energy to perform various feats or attacks, courtesy of her attachment to Death.


Twilight Circles[]

Mental Skills are organized into six hierarchical groups of similar magics, called "Twilight Circles'", arranged vertically on the inventory page. These groups reflect a particular type of magic. Within a group, it's necessary to learn each skill in the order shown: first, the topmost spell of the circle must be learned, and then the next skill or skills in the hierarchy can be learned. (Only a single level of mastery is required in the prerequisite in order to advance to the next skill.) The first, topmost ability of each Twilight Circle hierarchy it is given to Scarlett at a Gateway Idol. At each Idol, she'll enter the Twilight World and meet the spirit of Benedict, who will give her a new Mental Skill. At each new Gateway Idol, she is granted the topmost ability of the next Twilight Circle hierarchy, allowing Scarlett to learn the rest of the spells in that Circle with normal training. (Because Scarlett must know the prerequisite skill before she can learn additional skills in the hierarchy, she can't train in advanced skills until that topmost mental skill has been granted. Players may wish to keep a couple of Skill Points available for learning new spells.)

Learning all the Mental Skills in a given Twilight Circle (with at least one level of mastery in each) earns an Achievement as a Master of that Twilight Circle.


Learning Spells[]

Scarlett can learn a new skill if she has the necessary Skill Points, has learned the prerequisite spells, and is in the presence of a Necromancy Teacher who can teach the spell she wishes to learn. (Not all teachers know all spells. The teachers Scarlett meets early in the game have limited range, requiring her to seek out new, more powerful teachers.)

Each time Scarlett reaches a new Level, she is awarded 20 additional Skill Points. She can spend Skill Points to learn new skills or improve her mastery of skills she's already learned. Her total Experience points determines her level. Scarlett gains experience by completing quests, other small feats, or defeating opponents.

Skills are divided into hierarchical groups. The topmost skill of each of these "Twilight Circle" can only be learned at a Gateway Idol, which opens the next spell of that's Twlight Circle's hierarchy to training. Skills must be learned (with at least one Level of Mastery each, in the order diagrammed in the hierarchy on the Mental Skills inventory page.

Most Mental Skills have more than one "Level of Mastery": after learning a spell, it is possible to improve Scarlett's proficiency in that skill by expending more Skill Points on that spell. This may increase the damage the spell causes, or the duration of the spell, or both. The maximum Level of Mastery depends on the Mental Skill, and varies from one to five.

Mental Skills are assigned on the sixth page of the Inventory Book. The player can use this page whenever Scarlett is with a Teacher of Mental Skills to select which new Mental Skills to learn; or, the player can use it at any time to assign active mental skills to the Quickbar so they can be used.


Casting Spells[]

Invoking Mental Skills uses Scarlett's Mental Energy. Each time she casts a spell, the cost for that spell is deducted from her current Mental Energy. She must have enough Mental Energy to pay the cost when she casts the spell. Scarlett's maximum Mental Energy is determined by her Level and her Attribute Points. Mental Energy recovers gradually with time, or by use of potions or herbs, or certain magic items, or recovers completely if Scarlett takes a rest.

Spell Timing[]

Each necromantic spell has a Casting Time: the time it takes Scarlett to focus her necromantic powers. (During that interval, Scarlett is stationary and defenseless; if she is struck by an enemy's attack during that time, the spell fails, but she still pays the cost in Mental Energy. So, it's risky to invoke a spell with a long casting time when one or more opponents are in or near striking range.) Each necromantic spell also has a Cooldown Time: a recovery period. That spell can't be cast again until that time has elapsed. (Other skills are unaffected.)


Most Mental Skills are Active skills: They need to be invoked explicitly by the player for Scarlett to use them.

The Quickbar (PlaysStation 3 version, with 5 active skills)

In order to use an Active Skill, the player must first assign that skill to the Quickbar (a collection of keys or buttons, depending on the platform.) For example, if Scarlett has learned the Raven's Wrath spell, it must first be assigned to one of the buttons on the Quickbar, and then it can be cast easily. (This means the player should adjust which skills are available on the Quickbar according to the situation or opponents.)

Passive Skills[]

A few Mental Skills are Passive: they are invoked automatically when they are applicable, sometimes modifying existing actions. For example, if Scarlett has the The Whisper skill, when she invokes The Passage in the presence of a ghost, she can speak with it as she would any other character.


Mental Skills (Spells)[]


Miscellaneous Mental Skill[]

Path of the Raven[]

Path of the Raven

Path of the Raven is a granted Mental Skill, bestowed on Scarlett by Death in a dream at the start of the game (It does not cost her any Skill Points to learn.) It summons a Raven to show her the path to her "current destination". That destination depends on the currently selected quest for the Quest Map. (Open the Inventory Book, go to the Active Quests page, and select the desired quest.) When Scarlett cast this spell, a raven appears and flies off in the direction she should go to advance the current quest. This spell is intended to help newcomers to the game find their way in the early parts of the story. It does not work underground (in the copper mines or catacombs or caves.)

Path of the Raven is an Active skill and needs to be added to the Quickbar before it can be used. It has only a single Level of Mastery. It doesn't cost any Mental Energy to cast. Mental Energy: 0; Casting time: 1.3 sec; Cooldown time: 2.5 seconds.


First Twilight Circle[]

The Passage[]

The Passage

The Passage is Scarlett's earliest and most flexible mental skill. With it, she willingly slips into the Twilight World of death. There, she can move about in the mortal world, unseen by mortal man or beast. This allows Scarlett to bypass or avoid enemies, or escape from a losing fight, by simply disappearing into twilight.

The Passage also permits Scarlett to see things that mortals can't, such as a Nexus Portal, which she can use to enter secret areas.

The Passage also triggers later passive mental skills. Once Scarlett has learned the Eye of the Lost mental skill (second Twilight Circle), the Passage allows her to see ghosts (whose presence is usually suggested by skeletal remains in the mortal world.) Once Scarlett has learned The Whisper mental skill (third Twilight Circle), she will also be able to speak with those ghosts, and once she has learned Unworldly Clutch (fourth Twilight Circle), they can give her physical objects.

Although unseen, Scarlett cannot move through walls, unopened doors, or obstacles; taking physical action (attacking an enemy, opening a door) ends the Passage. A few creatures (Delvers and Lectors) can still sense Scarlett's presence even when she is in the Passage, though they cannot injure her while the passage lasts. Raging Ghosts, which Scarlett can only see and attack while she is in the Passage, are in turn the only creature that can attack her in the Passage.

Occasionally, the game will display the icon for The Passage on the screen near the heads-up display. That indicates a ghost is nearby with something to show or say to her, though this only happens under special circumstances.

The Passage is a granted skill, bestowed on Scarlett (at no cost in Skill Points) by Benedict's ghost at the Gateway Idol in the Copper Mine of San Pasquale. As the first spell in the First Twilight Circle, it opens the remaining spells of that twilight circle to normal learning.

The Passage lasts for 15 seconds and has only a single Level of Mastery, though later that can be extended later by learning the Enduring Passage skill of the fourth twilight circle. Mental Energy: 10. Casting time: 0 seconds. Cooldown time: 30.0 seconds.


Raven's Wrath[]

Raven's Wrath

Raven's Wrath is a Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that Scarlett may use to summon a murder of Ravens to attack her enemies. The amount of damage inflicted varies with the Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell.

Raven's Wrath
Level Damage
Mental Energy
1 40 10 ME 0.8 sec 2.5 sec
2 54 13 ME 0.8 sec 2.5 sec
3 73 18 ME 0.8 sec 2.5 sec
4 100 25 ME 0.8 sec 2.5 sec


Flying Beasts, among other Creatures, are immune to this Mental Skill (as are the Undead Five).

Scarlett can only learn Raven's Wrath after she has learned its prerequisite, The Passage, at the Gateway Idol in the Copper Mine; has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (probably Edmundo in the Water Gateway, though Nox will suffice once she reaches the Outer City).


Raven's Eye[]

Raven's Eye

Raven's Eye is a is a Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) of the First Twilight Circle that allows Scarlett to view a remote scene through the eyes of a nearby Raven.

Raven's Eye must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked. The action is disabled (icon dimmed) if no Raven is in range (no icon displayed). The Raven's Eye icon appears on the screen when a Raven is in range (if Scarlett has learned the spell, though it doesn't matter if it is currently on the QuickBar). So, Scarlett only needs to invoke it when that icon suggests the possibility.

Raven's Eye provides Scarlett with views of near-by locations of interest to help her find places she might otherwise miss. Click for a complete list of what places Raven's Eye sees.

Scarlett can only learn this Mental Skill after she has learned at least one Level of Mastery of its prerequisite, Raven's Wrath. Also, she must have has accumulated sufficient Skill Points and found a suitable Necromancy Trainer. This spell has only a single Level of Mastery.

Raven's Eye is the final and highest spell of the First Twilight Circle. Learning it qualifies the player for the Master of the First Twilight Circle Achievement (Trophy).



Second Twilight Circle[]

Eye of the Lost[]

The Eye of the Lost

The Eye of the Lost is a passive Mental Skill that works automatically with The Passage. It allows Scarlett to see the ghosts of the dead, spirits which have remained in this world. It lasts as long as The Passage, and has no additional cost in Mental Energy beyond what's required to invoke The Passage.

The most common use of this skill is to allow Scarlett to view the ghosts of Don and Nesto as they show her how to pick locks. For that purpose, The Eye of the Lost is invoked automatically (at no cost of Mental Energy) any time Scarlett attempts to enter a locked door or search a locked chest.

Once Scarlett has also learned The Whisper, she will be able to speak with the ghosts she sees. The presence of such restless spirits in the mortal world is usually signaled by a Skeleton lying on the ground.

The Eye of the Lost is a granted skill, bestowed on Scarlett by Benedict's ghost at the Gateway Idol in the Old Temple of the Outer City. Learning it doesn't require use of any Skill Points. It is the initial skill of the Second Twilight Circle, and learning it opens the rest of the second circle for normal learning through Necromancy Teachers and Skill Points.


Ancestral Horror[]

Ancestral Horror

Ancestral Horror is a Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that Scarlett may use to cause her opponents to freeze and tremble in horror and fear for a short time. (Scarlett may use that time to either avoid the enemy or inflict further damage without retaliation.) This skill has four Levels of Mastery. The amount of time the enemy is paralyzed with fear varies with the Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell.

Ancestral Horror
Level Duration
Mental Energy
1 5 sec 7 ME 1.1 sec 2.5 sec
2 8 sec 11 ME 1.1 sec 2.5 sec
3 12 sec 17 ME 1.1 sec 2.5 sec
4 20 sec 28 ME 1.1 sec 2.5 sec

Some Creatures are immune to this Mental Skill (as are the Undead Five).

Scarlett can only learn this Mental Skill after she has learned its prerequisite, Eye of the Lost, at the Gateway Idol in the Old Temple in Venice's Outer City, has accumulated sufficient Skill Points, and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (probably Nox in the Backstreets of the Outer City). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any Necromancy Trainer.


Blood Toll[]

Ancestral Horror

Blood Toll is a vampiric Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that Scarlett may use drain Health from an enemy and add that damage to her own Health. This skill has four Levels of Mastery. The amount of damage inflicted on the enemy and added to Scarlett's own Health increases with the Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell. The amount of damage also increases with Scarlett's Mental Power Attribute.

Ancestral Horror
Level Damage Mental Energy
1 38 14 ME 0.5 sec 20 sec
2 57 21 ME 0.5 sec 20 sec
3 85 31 ME 0.5 sec 20 sec
4 128 47 ME 0.5 sec 20 sec

Scarlett can only learn this Mental Skill after she has learned its prerequisite, Ancestral Horror, with at least one Level of Mastery; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (probably Nox in the Backstreets of the Outer City). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any Necromancy Trainer.

Blood Toll is an active Mental Skill. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked.


Blood Vortex[]

Blood Vortex

Blood Vortex is a vampiric Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) of the Second Twilight Circle that Scarlett may use to drain Health from multiple enemies and add that damage to her own Health. This skill has four Levels of Mastery. The amount of damage inflicted on each of the enemies (and added to Scarlett's own Health) increases with her Level of Mastery of the Skill, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell. The amount of damage also increases with Scarlett's Mental Power Attribute.

Blood Vortex
Level Damage Mental Energy
1 20+ 22 ME 1.0 sec 20 sec
2 30+ 33 ME 1.0 sec 20 sec
3 45+ 49 ME 1.0 sec 20 sec
4 67+ 74 ME 1.0 sec 20 sec
  + Damage augmented by Scarlett's Mental Power bonus

If multiple enemies are in range, the full damage is inflicted on each enemy, so the more enemies present, the more total damage is inflicted and the more Health is recovered. Compared to its sister spell, Blood Toll, Blood Vortex has twice the Mental Energy cost and inflicts fewer points of damage per opponent, but works on multiple enemies.

Some creatures, such as the Gripper Queen, are immune to this spell, as are the Undead Five.

Scarlett can only learn this Mental Skill after she has learned at least one Level of Mastery in its similar prerequisite, Blood Toll. She must also have accumulated sufficient Skill Points and find a suitable Necromancy Trainer. Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any Necromancy Trainer.

Blood Vortex is and active Mental Skill. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be explicitly invoked.

This is the final and highest spell of the Second Twilight Circle. Learning it qualifies the player for the Master of the Second Twilight Circle Achievement (Trophy).



Third Twilight Circle[]

The Whisper[]

The Whisper

The Whisper is a passive Mental Skill that works automatically with The Passage. It allows Scarlett to actually speak with those spirits of the dead that she can see with the Eye of the Lost mental skill. The presence of such restless spirits in the mortal world is usually signaled by a Skeleton lying on the ground. It lasts as long as The Passage (or longer; once Scarlett begins a conversation with a ghost, she has as long as needed to finish it.) It has no additional cost in Mental Energy beyond what's required to invoke The Passage.

A few ghosts will just wish to tell Scarlett some secret before they move on to Death. Only a few of those ghost stories will be interesting. Occasionally, they may wish to give Scarlett something from their mortal life (see the Unworldly Clutch necromantic skill.) This skill is important in getting or fulfilling certain quests (The Voice of the Dead, Lost Love, Glory Forsaken.)

The Whisper is a granted skill, bestowed on Scarlett by Benedict's ghost at the Gateway Idol in the Chapel of the Arsenal District (part of the Of Cursed Chapels quest.) Learning it doesn't require any Skill Points. It is the initial skill of the Third Twilight Circle (even though it is probably the forth Circle Scarlett opens), and learning it opens the rest of the third circle for normal learning through Necromancy Teachers and Skill Points.


Deadly Attraction[]

Deadly Attraction

Deadly Attraction is an active Mental Skill that Scarlett can invoke to force an enemy to walk slowly towards her.

Only one Level of Mastery
Cost: 8 points of Mental Energy
Casting Time: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown Time: 2.5 seconds

Scarlett can only learn this Mental Skill after she has been granted its prerequisite, The Whisper, at the Gateway Idol in the Chapel in Venice's Arsenal District; when she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer. It has only a single Level of Mastery.

This is an active Mental Skill that needs to be placed on the Quickbar to be invoked.


The Plague[]

The Plague

The Plague is an active Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that Scarlett may use the forces of death to inflict damage on an enemy from a distance. This skill has four Levels of Mastery; The amount of damage inflicted on the enemy increases with the Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell. The amount of damage also increases with Scarlett's Mental Power Attribute.

The Pague
Level Damage Mental Energy
1 60+ 12 ME 0.8 sec 2.5 sec
2 87+ 17 ME 0.8 sec 2.5 sec
3 138+ 25 ME 0.8 sec 2.5 sec
4 182+ 36 ME 0.8 sec 2.5 sec
  + Mental Power bonus

The Plague is an active Mental Skills. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked.

Compared to such spells as Blood Vortex, The Plague inflicts more damage at less cost in Mental Energy, and can be cast more frequently (much quicker Cooldown Time), but it does not restore Scarlett's own Health.

Scarlett can only learn this Mental Skill after she has learned its prerequisite, Deadly Attraction; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (possibly Aeris in the Inner City). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any capable Necromancy Trainer.


Scream of Death[]

The Scream of Death

The Scream of Death is an active Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that that Scarlett may use to unleash a terrible, deathly scream that causes enemies to stop and tremble helplessly in fear for a period of time. Scarlett can use the time her enemies are immobile to either avoid them or attack them without reprisal.

This skill has four Levels of Mastery; The duration increases with the Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell. The duration also increases with Scarlett's Mental Power Attribute. An attack breaks the spell and frees the enemy to respond.

The Scream of Death
Level Duration Mental Energy
1 5 sec 17 ME 2.9 sec 2.5 sec
2 7 sec 23 ME 2.9 sec 2.5 sec
3 9 sec 33 ME 2.9 sec 2.5 sec
4 13 sec 46 ME 2.9 sec 2.5 sec
  + Mental Power bonus

The Scream of Death is an active Mental Skills. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked. Most creatures, and the Undead Five, are immune to the effects of this spell.

Scarlett can only learn the Scream of Death Mental Skill after she has learned at least one level of mastery in its prerequisite, The Plague; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (possibly Aeris in the Inner City). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any capable Necromancy Trainer.

The Scream of Death is the final and highest spell of the Third Twilight Circle. Learning it (just a single level of mastery) qualifies the player for the Master of the Third Twilight Circle Achievement (Trophy).



Fourth Twilight Circle[]

Unworldly Clutch[]

Unworldly Clutch

Unworldly Clutch is a passive Mental Skill that works automatically with The Passage. It allows Scarlett to convince spirits of the dead to part with precious worldly possessions. The presence of such restless spirits in the mortal world is usually signaled by a Skeleton lying on the ground in the mortal realm. Scarlett can can see the ghosts with the Eye of the Lost, and speak with them using The Whisper by invoking The Passage. Unworldly Clutch lasts as long as The Passage, and has no additional cost in Mental Energy beyond what's required to invoke The Passage.

A few ghosts will just wish to rid themselves of some secret item, by giving it to Scarlett, before they move on to Death. Only a few of those items will be interesting (anything from a beer, a Treasure Map or occasionally a vital quest item. This skill is important in fulfilling certain quests (e.g. Lost Love, Glory Forsaken, and several of the guild-assigned quests if Scarlett joins the Net of the Mask.)

Unworldly Clutch is a granted skill, bestowed on Scarlett by Benedict's ghost at the Gateway Idol in the Old Cathedral of the Inner City (which she will eventually enter as part of the On Holy Mission quest, if not earlier.) Learning it doesn't require any Skill Points. It is the initial skill of the Forth Twilight Circle (even though it is probably the third Circle Scarlett opens.) Obtaining it opens the rest of the forth circle for normal learning through Necromancy Teachers and Skill Points.


Wasted Years[]

Wasted Years

Wasted Years is an active Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that that Scarlett may use to weaken the target by making them age. Scarlett can use the time her enemies are impaired to either avoid them or attack them with minimal reprisal; the spell reduces their speed and weakens their attacks for the duration.

The Wasted Years skill has four Levels of Mastery; The duration increases with the Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell.

Wasted Years
Level Duration Mental Energy
1 5 sec 10 ME 0.5 sec 2.5 sec
2 7 sec 15 ME 0.5 sec 2.5 sec
3 11 sec 22 ME 0.5 sec 2.5 sec
4 16 sec 44 ME 0.5 sec 2.5 sec

Wasted Years is an active Mental Skills. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked. Some creatures, and the Undead Five, are immune to the effects of this spell.

Scarlett can only learn the Wasted Years Mental Skill after she has been granted its prerequisite, Unworldly Clutch; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (possibly Aeris in the Inner City or Amago in the Arsenal District Catacombs). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any capable Necromancy Trainer.


Enduring Passage[]

Enduring Passage

Enduring Passage allows Scarlett to travel in the Twilight World for longer time period; I.e., it extends the duration of The Passage. There are four Levels of Mastery, each level increasing the duration of The Passage still further (the original duration of The Passage is 15 seconds.).

Level 1 - Extends duration by 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Extends duration by 8 seconds.
Level 3 - Extends duration by 12 seconds.
Level 4 - Extends duration by 20 seconds.

Enduring Passage is a passive Mental Skill. Once learned, it is invoked automatically whenever The Passage is used. It does not cost any additional Mental Energy.

Scarlett will find it useful to extend her time in the Twilight World if she wishes to evade multiple enemies. It is extremely useful when fighting Raging Ghosts, which can only be harmed in the Twilight World. At the fourth Level of Mastery, the duration of The Passage will exceed its Cooldown time, which means Scarlett will be able to re-invoke The Passage as soon as it expires (as long as she has sufficient Mental Energy.)

Scarlett can only learn the Enduring Passage Mental Skill after she has attained at least one Level of Mastery with its prerequisite, Wasted Years; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (possibly Aeris in the Inner City). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any capable Necromancy Trainer.


Echoes of Twilight[]

Echoes of Twilight

Echoes of Twilight is an active Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that allows Scarlett to maintain the slowing grasp of death from the Twilight World when she reenters the world of the living.

Scarlett can only invoke Echoes of Twilight when she is in the Twilight World (while using The Passage or after being killed). When in this Twilight World, activity in the mortal world is slowed, allowing Scarlett to move more quickly than living mortals. This Necromantic Spell allows her to reenter the mortal world while still retaining that speed advantage over mere mortals. She may invoke Echoes of Twilight instead of waiting for her time in the Twilight World to expire or instead of explicitly resurrecting herself. While the Spell lasts, Scarlett can use her speed advantage to attack and evade her sluggish enemies more effectively.

Echoes of Twilight has three Levels of Mastery; The duration increases with the Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell.

Echoes of Twilight
Level Duration Mental Energy
1 5 sec 10 ME 0 2.5 sec
2 10 sec 15 ME 0 2.5 sec
3 15 sec 22 ME 0 2.5 sec

Echoes of Twilight is an active Mental Skill. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked.

Scarlett can only learn the Echoes of Twilight Mental Skill after she has learned at least one Level of Mastery of its prerequisite, Enduring Passage; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (possibly Aeris in the Inner City or Amago in the Arsenal District Catacombs). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any capable Necromancy Trainer.


Venomous Eclipse[]

Venomous Eclipse

Venomous Eclipse is an active Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that allows Scarlett to launch a devastating attack causing substantial damage over a lengthy duration. The spell initially knocks enemies off their feet and inflicts an initial damage; it continues to attack the enemy for some time more, doing the same damage again over that time.

The Venomous Eclipse skill has four Levels of Mastery; Both the damage and duration of the spell increases with the Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell. The damage also increases with Scarlett's Mental Power bonus.

Venomous Eclipse
Level Damage Duration Mental Energy
1 30 + 30 + 10 sec 30 ME 1.3 sec 2.5 sec
2 39 + 39 + 13 sec 39 ME 1.3 sec 2.5 sec
3 50 + 50 + 15 sec 50 ME 1.3 sec 2.5 sec
4 65 + 65 + 21 sec 65 ME 1.3 sec 2.5 sec
  + Mental Power bonus

Venomous Eclipse is an active Mental Skill. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked. Victor and the Doge are immune to the effects of this spell.

Scarlett can only learn the Venomous Eclipse Mental Skill after she has learned at least one Level of Mastery of its prerequisite, Echoes of Twilight; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (possibly Aeris in the Inner City or Amago in the Arsenal District Catacombs). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any capable Necromancy Trainer.


Mental Defiance[]

Mental Defiance

Mental Defiance is an active Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that allows Scarlett to enter a defensive stance that blocks other mental (spell) attacks.

Mental Defiance has only a single Level of Mastery. Invoking it costs only 2 points Mental Energy (zero casting time, zero cooldown time.) Spell is useful, for example, in blocking the attacks of Necromancers. It can also block Victor's spells in the mortal world (as will the Nethercoat), though it will not block Victor's mental attacks in the Twilight World.

Mental Defiance is an active Mental Skill. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked. The effect lasts as long as the activating button is pressed, but Scarlett cannot initiate other physical or mental attacks while using Mental Defiance. She can, however, be attacked physically by any nearby enemies.

Scarlett can only learn the Mental Defiance Spell after she has learned at least one Level of Mastery of its prerequisite, Echoes of Twilight; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (possibly Aeris in the Inner City or Amago in the Arsenal District Catacombs).

Mental Defiance is the final and highest spell of the Fourth Twilight Circle. Learning it qualifies the player for the Master of the Fourth Twilight Circle Achievement (Trophy).



Fifth Twilight Circle[]

Abolish Curse[]

Abolish Curse

Abolish Curse is an active Mental Skill that Scarlett may explicitly invoke to dispel a magical barrier. It allows Scarlett to get passed a few special obstacles. The cursed barrier appears as a web of brightly-glowing white lattice, larger and more complex form of a Nexus Portal, though it is visible in plain sight (at least to Scarlett.) This Mental Skill needs to be configured on the Quickbar to be invoked.

Scarlett will only encounter a few cursed barriers where she will need to use this skill. The first she runs into such a barrier is in front of the Chapel in the Arsenal District, though she will not need this skill to dispel that one (Brother Johan will circumvent it for her with a Holy Scroll.) However, once Princess Chiamaka directs a barrier in front of the Necropolis in the Juma Tribal Lands, Scarlett will need to learn and use this spell herself. Scarlett will later encounter a similar cursed barrier protecting the Palace's Throne Room. And, in her final confrontation with Victor, he will use another barrier to protect the Doge.

Abolish Curse is a granted skill, bestowed on Scarlett by Benedict's ghost at the Gateway Idol in the Sacred Cave of the Juma Tribal Lands. Learning it doesn't require any Skill Points. It is the initial skill of the Fifth Twilight Circle, and obtaining it opens the rest of the Fifth Circle for normal learning through Necromancy Teachers and Skill Points.


Burst to Life[]

Burst to Life

Burst to Life is an active Mental Skill that Scarlett may invoke when she is in the Twilight World (either through use of The Passage or because she was killed).It allows her to resurrect with a large energy burst, damaging all surrounding enemies.

Scarlett can invoke this spell explicitly when is still in the Twilight World, instead of using the normal explicit resurrection or allowing her time in the Twilight World to expire. (She can use the time to get close to as many enemies as possible.) Using the spell causes her to return to the world of the living. Although it has no cooldown period, Scarlett must return to the Twilight World before she can use it again.

The Burst to Life skill has four Levels of Mastery. The damage inflicted by the spell increases with her Level of Mastery, as does the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell. The damage also increases with Scarlett's Mental Power bonus.

Burst to Life
Level Damage Mental Energy
1 80+ 8 ME 0 sec 0 sec
2 128+ 12 ME 0 sec 0 sec
3 204+ 29 ME 0 sec 0 sec
4 327+ 32 ME 0 sec 0 sec
  + Mental Power bonus

Burst to Life is an active Mental Skills. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked. Victor and the Doge are immune to the effects of this spell.

Scarlett can only learn the Burst to Life Mental Skill after she has been granted its prerequisite, Unworldly Clutch; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (such as Aeris or Amago). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any capable Necromancy Trainer.


Raise the Fallen[]

Raise the Fallen

The Raise the Fallen Mental Skill allows Scarlett to raise the fallen nearby in order to enter the fight at her side. It allows her to collect former enemies as allies to fight for her, though they don't take as much damage as their living counterparts. Those bodies she raises will follow her for the duration of the spell, though they won't enter or exit rooms with doors or cross into different game areas.

The Raise the Fallen skill has three Levels of Mastery. The duration of the spell increases with her Level of Mastery. (Atypically, the amount of Mental Energy required to cast the spell does not increase with Level of Mastery.)

Bodies of fallen enemies can be raised more than once, if they are killed during a fight or the spell simply exires. This allows Scarlett to increase her "zombie army" after each fight. (To make sure the bodies don't disappear before she can raise them, Scarlett should avoid searching them.) It can be difficult herding multiple zombie allies through narrow areas, since they get in each other's way and if Scarlett gets too far away from them, her allies will wander off.

Raise the Fallen
Level Duration Mental Energy
1 30 sec 40 ME 1.0 sec 2.5 sec
2 60 sec 40 ME 1.0 sec 2.5 sec
3 90 sec 40 ME 1.0 sec 2.5 sec

Raise the Fallen is an active Mental Skills. It must first be added to the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked.

Scarlett can only learn the Raise the Fallen Mental Skill after she has learned at least one Level of Master in its prerequisite, Burst to Life; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer (such as Aeris or Amago). Scarlett can increase her Level of Mastery of this skill by spending additional Skill Points with any capable Necromancy Trainer.

Raise the Fallen is the final and highest spell of the Fifth Twilight Circle. Learning it qualifies the player for the Master of the Fifth Twilight Circle Achievement (Trophy).



Sixth Twilight Circle[]

The Summoning[]

The Summoning

The Summoning is a "passive" Mental Skill that Scarlett may explicitly invoke to resurrect the dead in physical form.

Scarlett will only need to use this skill once, to summon the ghost of the dead Former City Councilman before the current City Council. Once Scarlett has gotten the Former City Councilman's ghost to agree to the Summoning, she can go to the City Council Chambers and inside the large blue circle in front of the Council, invoke The Passage to see the ghost. She will then be given the option to Summon him. (This Mental Skill doesn't need to be configured on the Quickbar.)

The Summoning is a granted skill, bestowed on Scarlett by Benedict's ghost at the Gateway Idol in the Garden of the Doge's Palace. Learning it doesn't require any Skill Points. It is the initial skill of the Sixth Twilight Circle, and obtaining it opens the remaining skill of the Sixth Circle for normal learning through Skill Points and Necromancy Teachers (the only such teacher extant by the time Scarlett learns The Summoning is Amago.)


Final Judgment[]

Final Judgement

Final Judgment is an active Necromantic Spell (Mental Skill) that allows Scarlett to summon death to take a victim.

Final Judgment has only a single Level of Mastery. Although it costs only 18 points of Mental Energy to cast (casting time 1.4 seconds), the lengthy 180 second Cooldown Time insures Scarlett can't overuse it. It is not as visually interesting as the name and description imply: the designated Enemy simply dies. The Doge and Victor are both immune to the spell.

Final Judgment is an active Mental Skills. It must first be placed on the game's QuickBar before it can be invoked.

Scarlett can only learn the Mental Defiance Mental Skill after she has been granted its prerequisite, The Summoning, at the Gateway Idol in the Palace Gardens; after she has accumulated sufficient Skill Points; and after she finds a Necromancy Trainer Because she will become eligible to learn this spell so late in the game, only one teacher, Amago in the Arsenal District Catacombs, will be available to teach it to her.

Final Judgment is the final and highest spell of the Sixth Twilight Circle. Learning it qualifies the player for the Master of the Sixth Twilight Circle Achievement (Trophy).


